Dear parents,
Here are the details for rehearsals next week, 1-4 December.
Time: 2.00 to 6.00 pm
Venue: Dream Academy Studio @203A Henderson Road, #02-01
Dress Code: School uniform/ PE attire and school shoes or sneakers
Other essentials: Water bottle, snacks, sweater, books
Please note that the school WILL NOT BE PROVIDING transport to the rehearsal from now onwards and you would have to send your child to the venue yourself.
However, I do realise that many of us are working and that you might find this difficult. Please get in touch with me via Class Dojo or email so that i can see if I can arrange a carpool arrangement of sorts with other parents who can offer a ride to and fro rehearsals.
I might approach some of you for help and assistance as well, so please lend a hand if you can.
The following teachers will be on duty during rehearsal days:
Tues, 1 Dec - Mdm Li Zi
Wed, 2 Dec - Mrs Sherryl Toh
Thurs, 3 Dec - Mrs Alison Loo
Fri, 4 Dec - Mdm Joyce Ang
Should you need to communicate with us, please use Class Dojo.
If you have any problems logging into or using Class Dojo, please drop me an email so that I can re-issue you a Parent Code and assist you in using the the app.
Alternatively, please contact Mr Alex Ong of Dream Academy for assistance as well.
Have a good break and see you all soon!
Monday, 23 November 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Important notices for Choir CCA
Dear members,
Here are a few things to note for Prize Giving Ceremony and rehearsals during the school holidays. Please read carefully:
Prize Giving Ceremony Rehearsal on Wednesday, 18 November
Please note that we will be meeting Mrs Kwek for a quick rehearsal in the hall from 10.30 am to 11.00 am.
Prize Giving Ceremony on Thursday, 19 November
1. Reporting time is at 7.00 am in Music Room 2
2. Please come with your hair neatly tied. We will provide red ribbons for the girls with long hair.
3. Please apply some light make-up and foundation on your face before you come to school. It will also be good if you can apply BLUE eyeshadow on your eyelids, if you have them. If not, we will help you out when you come.
4. You must wear your choir uniform, white socks and black shoes. If you don't have your Mary Jane shoes (girls), you can buy them at Bata or Yue Hwa (Chinatown and Jurong Point) for now. Boys can wear the black version of school shoes (which can be purchased at Bata) for this concert.
5. Please make sure that you have a good breakfast before you come. If you can't eat breakfast so early in the morning, please make sure that you bring along a light snack to munch as and when you can.
6. Our performance time is about 20 min after the commencement of the ceremonies, after the Principal's and Guest-of-Honour speeches. The Prize Giving Ceremonies are at 8.00 am (P1-3) and 10.30 am (P4 and 5).
7. You can leave at about 11.15 am after the 2nd session.
Parents who can volunteer to help out with hair and makeup, please email me directly at
Thank you in advance.
Choir rehearsal during school holidays
Please note that there is a change in rehearsal dates.
We only have rehearsal on Monday and Tuesday (23 and 24 November) and the session on Wednesday (25 November) is CANCELLED.
Rehearsal time is 9.30 am to 12.30 pm in Music Room 2.
Please bring along your own snacks and drinks should you get hungry.
Here are a few things to note for Prize Giving Ceremony and rehearsals during the school holidays. Please read carefully:
Prize Giving Ceremony Rehearsal on Wednesday, 18 November
Please note that we will be meeting Mrs Kwek for a quick rehearsal in the hall from 10.30 am to 11.00 am.
Prize Giving Ceremony on Thursday, 19 November
1. Reporting time is at 7.00 am in Music Room 2
2. Please come with your hair neatly tied. We will provide red ribbons for the girls with long hair.
3. Please apply some light make-up and foundation on your face before you come to school. It will also be good if you can apply BLUE eyeshadow on your eyelids, if you have them. If not, we will help you out when you come.
4. You must wear your choir uniform, white socks and black shoes. If you don't have your Mary Jane shoes (girls), you can buy them at Bata or Yue Hwa (Chinatown and Jurong Point) for now. Boys can wear the black version of school shoes (which can be purchased at Bata) for this concert.
5. Please make sure that you have a good breakfast before you come. If you can't eat breakfast so early in the morning, please make sure that you bring along a light snack to munch as and when you can.
6. Our performance time is about 20 min after the commencement of the ceremonies, after the Principal's and Guest-of-Honour speeches. The Prize Giving Ceremonies are at 8.00 am (P1-3) and 10.30 am (P4 and 5).
7. You can leave at about 11.15 am after the 2nd session.
Parents who can volunteer to help out with hair and makeup, please email me directly at
Thank you in advance.
Choir rehearsal during school holidays
Please note that there is a change in rehearsal dates.
We only have rehearsal on Monday and Tuesday (23 and 24 November) and the session on Wednesday (25 November) is CANCELLED.
Rehearsal time is 9.30 am to 12.30 pm in Music Room 2.
Please bring along your own snacks and drinks should you get hungry.
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Updates for Crazy Christmas
Dear parents,
It was really lovely to hear from some of you via Class Dojo and I'm really happy that the take up rate is quite high. Thank you all for signing up.
Here are a few updates where the next rehearsal is concerned.
Your child would have received a consent form from me if they attended choir practice today. Please get them to return these as soon as they can.
We will meet the Dream Academy team next Tuesday, 3 November, from 12 noon till 3 pm at their premises in Henderson Road.
Your child will be let off from class at 11.00 am for an early lunch and the bus will come to pick us up at 11.30 am from KRC.
The first 2 hours will be spent on choreography and movement and the last hour to practice their singing. We should be back in school by 3.30 pm at KRC Gate A/ Meeting Point.
Please get your child to bring along a snack should they get overly hungry. On our (school/ Dream Academy) side, we will provide some biscuits and buns.
Another thing to note is that your child will be wearing the school's choir uniform for the performance. We will outfit those who don't have their uniforms yet tomorrow. In the meanwhile, the girls are to make sure that they can still wear their black Mary Jane shoes with white socks and the boys are to wear black shoes with white socks. We can arrange for your child to buy black Mary Jane shoes from our supplier, but I am not sure how small or large the sizing can be. Please get your child to see me if they have any queries about this. The boys will have to get their own from places like Bata.
I am also pleased to tell you that there are no more rehearsals for Crazy Christmas until 30 Nov/ 1 Dec. I will issue consent forms before school closes for the year on 18 Nov.
I am also chasing the in-charge for ticketing about your queries regarding purchase of extra tickets. We ALL want to buy more than the 2 allocated to us. I can assure you that they are working on the details and I will get back to you really soon.
Thank you all!
It was really lovely to hear from some of you via Class Dojo and I'm really happy that the take up rate is quite high. Thank you all for signing up.
Here are a few updates where the next rehearsal is concerned.
Your child would have received a consent form from me if they attended choir practice today. Please get them to return these as soon as they can.
We will meet the Dream Academy team next Tuesday, 3 November, from 12 noon till 3 pm at their premises in Henderson Road.
Your child will be let off from class at 11.00 am for an early lunch and the bus will come to pick us up at 11.30 am from KRC.
The first 2 hours will be spent on choreography and movement and the last hour to practice their singing. We should be back in school by 3.30 pm at KRC Gate A/ Meeting Point.
Please get your child to bring along a snack should they get overly hungry. On our (school/ Dream Academy) side, we will provide some biscuits and buns.
Another thing to note is that your child will be wearing the school's choir uniform for the performance. We will outfit those who don't have their uniforms yet tomorrow. In the meanwhile, the girls are to make sure that they can still wear their black Mary Jane shoes with white socks and the boys are to wear black shoes with white socks. We can arrange for your child to buy black Mary Jane shoes from our supplier, but I am not sure how small or large the sizing can be. Please get your child to see me if they have any queries about this. The boys will have to get their own from places like Bata.
I am also pleased to tell you that there are no more rehearsals for Crazy Christmas until 30 Nov/ 1 Dec. I will issue consent forms before school closes for the year on 18 Nov.
I am also chasing the in-charge for ticketing about your queries regarding purchase of extra tickets. We ALL want to buy more than the 2 allocated to us. I can assure you that they are working on the details and I will get back to you really soon.
Thank you all!
Upcoming events and updates for CCA Choir
Dear choir members and parents,
Here are a few updates for those in Choir CCA. There are a few important things to note for the next few weeks before school closes.
1) Performance for our VVIP
We just received information about this event today during choir rehearsal. As such, we have already started on our performance piece today.
3) Extra rehearsals in preparation for SYF Choral Presentation 2016
Here are a few updates for those in Choir CCA. There are a few important things to note for the next few weeks before school closes.
1) Performance for our VVIP
Your child has been briefed about this at choir today but I will not be obliged to disclose any more information on this platform until it is confirmed.
The choir is on standby, having to perform 2 songs for the event which will last only all of 1/2 hour. It is scheduled for 7 November, Saturday.
At the moment, we have no concrete information about the timing. Rest assured that it is indeed a rare honour to be singing at this event so I ask for your patience and understanding.
2) Performance at Prize Giving Ceremony, 19 November, Thursday @ 8.00 amWe just received information about this event today during choir rehearsal. As such, we have already started on our performance piece today.
3) Extra rehearsals in preparation for SYF Choral Presentation 2016
We will be holding extra rehearsals on 23 and 24 November, Monday and Tuesday, from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm in Music Room 2.
Your child will be given a copy of the set piece (original) tomorrow, 30 October, Friday. Should he/she quit unexpectedly before the competition, he/she will be expected to return the score to the school. Should your child lose his/her copy, $5.00 will be charged for a new copy, subject to availability. Please remind your child to be responsible for his/her score.
The SYF Choral Presentation will be held between 11-19 April at SOTA Concert Hall.
Just to give everyone a heads up, the first 3 days of the March holidays will be set aside for COMPULSORY rehearsals for this competition. Please pencil in 14, 15 and 16 March into your calendars.
We are also in need of parent volunteers to help and assist us with hair, make-up, catering and chaperone duties. If you can lend us a hand, please email me directly at
Thank you for your kind attention.
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Choir CCA resumes this week
Dear choir,
This message is for ALL choir members.
Please note that choir will resume this week, a week earlier than scheduled.
We will meet on 29 and 30 October, Thursday and Friday - 2 pm in the Gallery and Music Room 2 respectively.
All the other practices scheduled for the rest of the term are also going on as usual. Please refer to our earlier blog for the dates.
This is because the SYF set piece will be released tomorrow and we would like to get started on it as soon as possible before school closes.
There is also a possibility where we might have a VVIP visiting the following week and the choir will be on standby to perform. We are not obliged to divulge anymore details just yet until we get confirmation.
As we look ahead towards the next few weeks, please also note that 2 extra rehearsals are also planned for 23 and 24 November (Monday and Tuesday) from 9.30am to 12.30 pm.
This is also in preparation for SYF.
See you all this Thursday!
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Video links for the songs sung at rehearsal
Dear all,
Please use the following links to practice your Cantonese and Chinese songs.
Here's 万水千山总是情
and 甜蜜蜜
See you all tomorrow!
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Logistics to note for dropping off and picking up - PSLE Marking days
Dear parents,
Here are a few points to note for the next 4 days for those who are involved in the Crazy Christmas rehearsals:
1) Nanyang Kindergarten is still functioning on these days as per normal, so we need to be mindful of their arrival and dismissal times as well.
Choir members' arrival on Monday and Tuesday
- you can only drop off your child/ward AFTER 8.15 am
- should they come early (before 8.20 am), please ask them to report to the CRC Staff Room on
Level 3. They are not to wander anywhere else in their own.
Choir members' departure on Monday and Tuesday
- as the bus is expected to arrive at NYPS CRC around 1 pm, our Operations Manager (OM) would appreciate that you come and pick up your child/ ward from 1.10 pm onwards, as you would not be allowed to come into the school compound to wait.
We suggest that you park around Kingsmead Road or Princess of Wales Road and then come in person to the Guard Post at CRC to pick up your child. Mr Gao and I will be there with your children until you come to pick them up.
Choir members' arrival on Wednesday and Thursday
- it's less complicated on these days as there is no clash with the kindergarteners' arrival. We will see the choir members at 9.30 am.
- should they come earlier, please get them to tell me on Monday or Tuesday so that I can make arrangements for them to wait comfortably in one of the meeting rooms in CRC.
Choir members' departure on Wednesday and Thursday
- we will also adhere to the same arrangement as per my OM's request.
Please come slightly later than our stipulated time of 12.45 pm, so that we can clear the bus first before you come to pick the children up.
2) Please make sure that your child/ ward come in their school uniform and shoes.
3) Please also make sure that your child/ ward submit their consent forms and information sheet to me tomorrow, Monday, if they haven't already done so. I will not be able to take them along with me if I don't have your written consent.
4) Once I've collected all your contact details, I will organize a communication channel via Class Dojo. Please activate your account or download the app once I've given you an activation code.
5) As always, please pack a face mask for your child as the haze situation is still quite unpredictable.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Undelivered consent forms
Dear choir members and parents,
It has been brought to my attention that some of you in certain classes have not yet received the consent forms today. I had asked a student leader to be my courier, but I think she may not have been able to find you as your class was out for PE or other activities. Once again, my deepest apologies for causing some anxiety among you, but rest assured that you WILL get them by tomorrow. I'm glad that many of you have checked the blog for next week's arrangements, so please give me your consent forms either tomorrow or on Monday when I see you at the CRC car porch.
I'll come round to your respective classes to check personally if you have received the forms.
Thank you all!
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Crazy Christmas Rehearsals Next Week
Dear choir members,
So here are the details for next week:
19 and 20 October (Mon and Tue) - 9:30 to 12.30 pm
Arrival time in school: 8.30 am
Dismissal time in school: 1.00 pm
Rehearsal venue:
Dream Academy Studio
203A Henderson Road
21 and 22 October (Wed and Thurs) - 10:15 to 12:15 pm
Arrival time in school: 9.30 am
Dismissal time in school: 12.45 pm
Rehearsal venue:
Henderson Senior Activity Centre
Blk 117, Bukit Merah View
Please note that arrival and departure points in NYPS on these four days are strictly at Coronation Road entrance only.
You will not be allowed to enter via King's Road as it is only for teachers involved in the marking exercise.
>You will also not be allowed to wander around the premises upon arrival, even to the canteen, as KRC will be cordoned off.
If you are early, please come up to the CRC
General Office (Level 3) to wait quietly.
This is a message for all those participating for this production only.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm for this project. The producers are also very excited to see you next week.
Unfortunately, I was not able to pass the consent forms to all of you today, but you will all definitely get them by tomorrow. It has been quite challenging trying to firm up some logistics as NYPS is a PSLE marking centre. Thus, certain considerations have to be taken.
We really thank you for your patience.
So here are the details for next week:
19 and 20 October (Mon and Tue) - 9:30 to 12.30 pm
Arrival time in school: 8.30 am
Dismissal time in school: 1.00 pm
Rehearsal venue:
Dream Academy Studio
203A Henderson Road
21 and 22 October (Wed and Thurs) - 10:15 to 12:15 pm
Arrival time in school: 9.30 am
Dismissal time in school: 12.45 pm
Rehearsal venue:
Henderson Senior Activity Centre
Blk 117, Bukit Merah View
Please note that arrival and departure points in NYPS on these four days are strictly at Coronation Road entrance only.
You will not be allowed to enter via King's Road as it is only for teachers involved in the marking exercise.
>You will also not be allowed to wander around the premises upon arrival, even to the canteen, as KRC will be cordoned off.
I'll see you all tomorrow to pass you your consent forms
Monday, 14 September 2015
Rehearsal Schedule for Term 4
Hi everyone...
Welcome back to the last stretch of 2015!
Here is our rehearsal schedule for this term:
Term 4
Thursday (Gallery)
Friday (MR 2)
17 September
PSLE LC – no school
Hari Raya Haji
25 September
3 to 7
Crazy Christmas Rehearsals:
19, 20, 21, 22 October
(Monday to Thursday)
8.30 am to 12.30 pm
(tentative timing)
5 November
6 November
12 November
13 November
Please note that the consent forms for the Crazy Christmas rehearsals will be given out next week, 25 September, as we are still finalizing timing, venue and transport details.
This is because our school premises are being used during the PSLE Marking exercise.
We will also be getting a clearer picture about the November rehearsals during the practice sessions in October. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Do remember that you are required to inform your choir teachers-in-charge if you are unable to attend rehearsals on any particular day either with a written note, a photocopy of your medical certificate or an email from your parent.
It is not advisable to tell a fellow choir mate of your absence and rely on him/her to relay the message.
We hope to see all of you on Thursday!
This is because our school premises are being used during the PSLE Marking exercise.
We will also be getting a clearer picture about the November rehearsals during the practice sessions in October. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Do remember that you are required to inform your choir teachers-in-charge if you are unable to attend rehearsals on any particular day either with a written note, a photocopy of your medical certificate or an email from your parent.
It is not advisable to tell a fellow choir mate of your absence and rely on him/her to relay the message.
We hope to see all of you on Thursday!
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Choir rehearsals this week
Dear choir members,
Just gentle reminder that we will meet for choir tomorrow and Friday, 27 and 28 August, in the Gallery and Music Room 2 respectively.
We will conduct auditions for Crazy Christmas tomorrow.
I want to thank some of your parents for emailing about your various activities and that you are unable to attend choir or that you are unable to commit to Crazy Christmas. Please continue to do so and communicate with me via email at:
Thank you and see you all tomorrow!
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Auditions for Crazy Christmas
Dear Parents,
I have spoken to your children about their commitment levels for the concert and expected behaviour for their successful participation of the event.
And since almost ALL of them want to be involved, I have no choice but call for an audition.
The audition process will be as follows:
1) those who have participated in Youth Celebrate! will sing the medley along with choreography
2) those who have not participated will perform 2 pieces - one fast and one slow. The fast piece can be a favourite or familiar pop song with their own choreography/ actions, while singing to a recording of the song. However, your child needs to be clearly audible, singing the lyrics clearly.
As there will not be choir rehearsals this week because of PSLE Oral on Thursday and Friday, we will hold the auditions probably next week.
Please watch this space for details.
Thank you!
(Mdm) Joyce Ang
Crazy Christmas with the Dim Sum Dollies!
Dear parents,
I think you must all have heard from your children by now that we had a special guest visiting us during our choir rehearsal last Friday, and she is none other than Ms Selena Tan from Dream Academy, head Dim Sum Dolly herself and the writer/ producer/ director of a string of shows that her company presents annually.
We are indeed honoured to be selected to perform alongside her and the talented cast of Crazy Christmas, which will run at the Esplanade from the 10-19 December, 2015.
Details can be found here:
However, after further discussions with her and her producer, there is a fixed number of choir members that they want in the show. As such, we now have to audition our choristers and also to make sure that your child and yourselves are able to commit to the schedule given, as there are crucial dates that require your child's attendance.
There is also a CIP element to this project and that is the cast and choir will be visiting one or two old folks' homes before the show opens on 10th December, bringing cheer and joy to our elders during the Yuletide season.
Please discuss these following criteria with your child before they resoundingly agree to perform in the concert:
a) your child is expected to sing 'live' on stage and not lip sync to a minus one - pitching is thus crucial, but there will be training provided
b) your child is rather expressive in terms of his/her gestures and is willing to dance and act
c) be able to commit to these dates for rehearsals:
- 19 - 22 October 2015 (Monday to Thursday) - morning (2 - 3 hours)
(bearing in mind that P3s and above have to sit for SA2 in the subsequent 2 weeks to follow
- 6 rehearsals during 9 - 20 November 2015 (Monday to Friday) - rehearsal dates to be confirmed
- 1 - 5 December 2015 (Tuesday to Saturday) - Sitzprobe/ Combined Rehearsal/ Full Dress Rehearsal : timing to be confirmed
- 8 December - 9 December - Technical Rehearsal/ Full Dress Rehearsal - 4pm - 10pm - Venue: Esplanade Theatre
- 10 December - Full Dress Rehearsal/ Opening Night (Show #1) - 1pm - 11pm
- Venue: Esplanade Theatre
11 December - Show #2 - 5pm - 11pm
12 December - Show #3 & Show #4 - 12pm - 11pm
13 December - Show #5 - 5pm - 11pm
15 December - Show #6 - 5pm - 11pm
16 December - Show #7 - 5pm - 11pm
17 December - Show #8 - 5pm - 11pm
18 December - Show #9 - 5pm - 11pm
19 December - Show #10 - 5pm - 11pm
Each child will also be given 2 complimentary tickets and an honorarium of $150.
We fully understand the huge commitment that you and your child have to undertake but as you can imagine, opportunities like this do not come very often. With Youth Celebrate!, many of your children have grown and matured quite a bit. They learnt to problem solve, be a bit more resilient and learn to work together as a team. We hope that providing this opportunity to them, it will enrich their lives further and provide a precious insight into the whole production process of how a musical is brought to life on stage.
I will talk to the choir tomorrow morning after morning assembly and tell them what I've shared with you here, and also to talk to them about the audition process.
Please feel free to email me should you have any queries:
Thank you for your kind attention!
(Mdm) Joyce Ang
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Youth Celebrate! 26th July 2015 Pictures and videos
Dear parents/guardian,
On behalf of all the choir teachers, a BIG BIG thank you to all of you who made this holistic learning possible for your child. This morning, the choir teachers met all the choir members and we wanted them to appreciate the opportunity that they were being given. It was an honour to represent the school to perform at this national event. It was a memorable moment that marked the opening of our country's Sports Hub. As shared with the children today, besides the performance, the most heartfelt moments are the ones that are totally unrehearsed and it came from the hearts.
We were gratified to see our pupils responded to the kindness shown by the Secondary schools pupils. Thanking the seniors when they opened the doors for them and helped them whenever necessary. Spearheaded by some P3 pupils, they made little paper flower and souvenirs to the big brothers and sisters who fanned them when they were feeling hot after long hours of standing at the performance ground. Our pupils took the initiative to pick up litters (not only for their own school but other schools as well). We were also happy to see that our P5 pupils took the lead to help the younger ones in their makeup and stepped up to help them in whichever ways they could. Pupils learnt to clear their food waste and stacked up the plastic bento sets to reduce the use of plastic rubbish bags. Everyone has a part to play in saving the environment.
Sharing with you these unforgettable moments:
Mdm Ang doing makeup for us and the P5s
learnt and helped. :)
Learning the actions. Singing Hall of Fame
Welcome our Prime Minister
Very impressive! All Singapore schools' crest
What a coincidence! The Sec school student
that carried the school crest is our alumna.
Her name is called Felicia.
Its been many long nights of rehearsals...
Taking initiative to help...
A good 80 Nanyang audience to support
the performance. Nice to see them with Nanyang flag.
to carry our poms poms and sashes.
On behalf of all the choir teachers, a BIG BIG thank you to all of you who made this holistic learning possible for your child. This morning, the choir teachers met all the choir members and we wanted them to appreciate the opportunity that they were being given. It was an honour to represent the school to perform at this national event. It was a memorable moment that marked the opening of our country's Sports Hub. As shared with the children today, besides the performance, the most heartfelt moments are the ones that are totally unrehearsed and it came from the hearts.
We were gratified to see our pupils responded to the kindness shown by the Secondary schools pupils. Thanking the seniors when they opened the doors for them and helped them whenever necessary. Spearheaded by some P3 pupils, they made little paper flower and souvenirs to the big brothers and sisters who fanned them when they were feeling hot after long hours of standing at the performance ground. Our pupils took the initiative to pick up litters (not only for their own school but other schools as well). We were also happy to see that our P5 pupils took the lead to help the younger ones in their makeup and stepped up to help them in whichever ways they could. Pupils learnt to clear their food waste and stacked up the plastic bento sets to reduce the use of plastic rubbish bags. Everyone has a part to play in saving the environment.
Near to 1000 people in Hall 1 at OCBC Arena
Mdm Ang doing makeup for us and the P5s
learnt and helped. :)
Learning the actions. Singing Hall of Fame
Welcome our Prime Minister
Very impressive! All Singapore schools' crest
What a coincidence! The Sec school student
that carried the school crest is our alumna.
Her name is called Felicia.
Its been many long nights of rehearsals...
Taking initiative to help...
A good 80 Nanyang audience to support
the performance. Nice to see them with Nanyang flag.
Spend time reading. Teachers prepare
NTUC bags so that its easier for usto carry our poms poms and sashes.
It is an honour to be selected to perform
for this historical moment
We hope for a brighter SG 100!
Time to go home. Dismissing 4000 performers.
All of us move orderly to our holding areas and buses
Teachers made good use of our time. We practiced while
waiting for our buses
Well done Choir!! Hip hip hooray!!!
Mavis Tan
NYPS Choir 2015
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Pictures and videos of rehearsals
Dear members,
Sharing with you:
Rehearsal Video 1:
We cleared our food waste and stacked up the plastic bento sets to save up space in the rubbish bags. In this way, we helped to reduce the use of rubbish bags and play our little part to help the environment. :) Thanks Mdm Ang for teaching us that!
Sharing with you:
Pupils fanning each other
In appreciation, our choir members made something for the Pasir Ris Secondary School students

In appreciation, our choir members made something for the Pasir Ris Secondary School students

Rehearsal Video 1:
Rehearsal Video 2:
NYPS Choir at Arena Hall, Holding Area
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